Since I work between Lexington Avenue and Park Avenue, I walk down Park nearly every day. Littered with outrageously priced designer fashion boutiques and jewelry stores, I feel grossly out of place on this street.
The picture below is the intersection of Park Avenue and 51st Street looking south.
If I actually took time to slow down and look at all the winding hallways and towering arches, I could have gotten pleasantly lost for a few hours. But like I said I was in a hurry and operating at my newly developed New York pace, which I can't say I'm a fan of. I already miss walking with a slow stride down the streets of West Palm because nobody down there is ever really in a hurry.
This next picture is of Saint Patrick's Cathedral on 51st and 5th. About a 10 minute walk.
It is enormous (Surprise!). I have yet to go inside the cathedral, which I've heard is visually stunning, but I walk by the mammoth house of worship a lot. It occupies an entire square block in midtown. Pretty...
The last picture in this post is related to my personal interests. I encountered this building while aimlessly wandering around my neighborhood the other day.
It's a LEED existing building renovation!(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) As you can see from the signs on the scaffolding, the development team is pursuing a LEED-Gold Certification, which is rather difficult to obtain on an older building. I'll put up some pictures of other LEED buildings that I encounter in the near future.
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